0700-0800: Introductions, Networking Assistance, and Open Discussion.
Join us Tuesday for some great discussion and to strengthen your grad network. Be sure to mention any specific networking needs as well, such as a job search, business advice, a quest for contacts or referrals, etc. We're here to help each other, based on our common background and bond as academy grads.
9/1/15 (this week): Networking and Open Discussion.
9/8/15: TBD/Open Networking.
If there's a speaker you'd like to invite for 9/8 or any future Tuesday, just let me know at panicciaj@aol.com and I'll put it on our schedule.
Our BizNet speaker schedule is a bit light for the coming weeks (ok, very light), so if you know someone who might like to give a brief talk on what they do, please invite them to be our speaker.
Acceptable topics run the full gamut of business, professional, personal, or nearly any other category that might be of interest to the group. Those of us who've been around the block a few times with BizNet know that we always learn something of value, no matter the speaker's topic.
Remember that you too can be the speaker, yourself. Have you read a good book or article lately?...there's a topic. Got an interesting story to tell on your business or personal or military experiences?...there's a topic. Learn something recently that you think would benefit others to know about?...there's a really great topic.
If you have any questions about speakers and topics, just shoot me a note at panicciaj@aol.com.
Have a great week.
Joe Paniccia (USMA '84)
Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700, in the Marriott Hotel at the Denver Tech Center. From I-25, exit Belleview east, then turn north onto Syracuse Street. The Marriott lots are paid parking (approx $2-4), however you can park for FREE across the street at Garcia's Restaurant (we have their permission). Look for us in the seating area inside the Marriott's coffee shop. RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). There are no dues or fees. Our schedule, roster and other information are posted at www.academybiznet.org.