Sunday, September 30, 2018

Agenda for Tuesday, 2 October 2018


0700-0800:  Introductions, Assistance, Open Forum Networking

During introductions, tell us a bit about yourself and any networking needs. We can help with referrals, advice, job search assistance, and other networking.

You are also welcome to bring up any topics of general interest..


2 October (this week):  Open Forum Networking.

9 October:  TBD or Open Forum Networking

16 October:  Mark Baker (USAFA '82) will give a presentation on current/upcoming capital projects at Denver International Airport.  Mark is Senior VP of Airport Infrastructure Management at DIA.

If you have a speaker in mind for an upcoming Tuesday, or would like to lead a discussion yourself, just let me know, at

Have a great week.

Joe Paniccia (USMA '84)

Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700, in the Embassy Suites hotel at 7525 East Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80231.  From I-25, exit at Hampden, then proceed east for 1 mile, where the hotel will be on your left.  Parking at the hotel is free. Look for us at the conference table just outside the 14'ers Room, which is to your left as you enter the hotel's central atrium.  RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). There are no dues or fees.  Our schedule, roster, and other information are posted at  Sign up (free) by following the instructions on the home page, to receive communications via our blog and email.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Join us for Army Air Force Football

The West Point Society of Denver and the Denver Chapter of the USAFA AOG cordially invite you to the 2018 Denver Army-Air Force Watch Party at the Tavern Denver Tech Center. Air Force currently leads the series 36-15-1 since it began in 1959. Army swept both rival academies in 2017, to include a 21-0 shutout of Air Force, to take home the Commander-In-Chief's Trophy for the first time since 1996.

Kickoff is at 10:00AM MT on Saturday, November 3rd. Door prizes consisting of spirit swag from both schools will be given away throughout the game. All attendees are eligible to win. Cash bar and food available for purchase from Tavern DTC. Please register online so we can plan appropriately for space and wait staff. This is a family friendly event, please be sure to register everyone in your party. More information about the venue can be found here:

There is no cost to attend, but you can donate to help the Society's mission of promoting the values of USMA through social and charitable activities with fellow graduates. Please click here learn more about society activities and to donate:

Donations to USAFA Endowment can be made here:

If you have questions/comments, please contact Jason Connor, USMA '02 at


To let us know to expect you, sign up for free here:. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

SAVE THE DATE: December 28, 2018



The 36th Annual Colorado All Service Academy Ball (CASAB) will be held on Friday, December 28, 2018, at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, through the cooperative efforts of the Colorado state parent organizations of the five federal service academies: U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and U.S. Air Force Academy. This year’s hosts will be U.S. Military Academy Colorado Parents’ Association. The objective of the CASAB is to provide military education in protocol, etiquette, and procedures for Colorado’s cadets and midshipmen. CASAB provides a unique opportunity for families and friends to participate in the observance of formal military displays by their cadets and midshipmen such as: Presentation of Colors, Invocation, Proclamation, POW/MIA Remembrance, toasts, introduction of each cadet and midshipman, and a motivational guest speaker. A formal dinner, dancing, and professional portraits round out the evening’s activities. Immediately following the formal ball, cadets and midshipmen are invited to enjoy a more relaxed Casino themed after-party.

Invitations will be sent out in November. The Broadmoor for the CASAB event provides generous room discounts. Reservations may be made once you have received your invitation in November 2018. Please mention that you will be a guest at the Colorado All Service Academy Ball and provide the designated code.

CASAB 2018 will be an exciting and memorable evening to honor Colorado’s cadets and midshipmen who are presently attending a service academy. We sincerely hope you will be able to attend. Please contact the person listed below, your academy’s Point of Contact for this event, if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s ball!

Whitney Navarro     
Pamela Patrick    
Nancy Castiglione               
Nancy Castiglione
Sue Ann Mueller        
Holly Quinn
USAFA or at

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekly News & Agenda for Tuesday, 25 September 2018


0700-0780:  Introductions, Assistance, Open Forum Networking

During introductions, tell us a bit about yourself and any networking needs. We can help with referrals, advice, job search assistance, and other networking.

You are also welcome to bring up any topics of general interest in this week's open forum.


25 September (this week):  Bryn Narcisian (USNA '89) - see above.

2 October:  TBD or Open Forum Networking.

9 October:  TBD or Open Forum Networking

16 October:  Mark Baker (USAFA '82) on current/upcoming capital projects at Denver International Airport.

If you have a speaker in mind for an upcoming Tuesday, or would like to lead a discussion yourself, just let me know, at


As you might have noticed, the BizNet email did not go out the last couple of weeks.  There was an issue with the blog site that pushes out our blog posts to you by email.  Thanks to Dave Jackson (USMA '73) for the research to fix that for us.


Here's a re-post of an item from Bryn Narcisian (USNA '89), which most of you probably did not see due to the blog issues we were having.  Bryn also spoke with us on this at our BizNet meeting last week.

I was wondering if you could help me get the word out about a young lady who will be going to USNA next year. She has started a charity to benefit female veterans. She calls it SHE Served. She had already started a charity to give sports jerseys to underprivileged kids call Sportakid. When she did a high school English paper on female veterans, in her research she realized they were underserved. She started SHE Served under the charity she already had to raise money for female veterans in Colorado. She designed a special jersey for this purpose. She is selling them and also welcoming and honoring them at a high school lacrosse game on Sept. 27 at 4:15pm in Highlands Ranch. In addition, all veterans are welcome.
The jerseys can be purchased at the game.

More information about Sportakid can be found here. In addition she was interviewed on Channel 2 news about this and that can be found on the Sportakid website as well. The interview and the opportunity to donate to Volunteers of America Colorado and the Clermont Commons facility for female Veterans are also available on her GoFundMe page. 

Please let me know if you need any further info or have any other ideas about how to get the word out about this valuable fundraising effort by an amazing young woman who is already serving, even before attending USNA.

Have a great week.

Joe Paniccia (USMA '84)

Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700, in the Embassy Suites hotel at 7525 East Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80231.  From I-25, exit at Hampden, then proceed east for 1 mile, where the hotel will be on your left.  Parking at the hotel is free. Look for us at the conference table just outside the 14'ers Room, which is to your left as you enter the hotel's central atrium.  RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). There are no dues or fees.  Our schedule, roster, and other information are posted at  Sign up (free) by following the instructions on the home page, to receive communications via our blog and email.