Thursday, April 16, 2020

Conducting a Resilient Job Search - webinar

On Friday, April 17 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am (ET), I will be presenting a webinar titled, "Conducting a Resilient Job Search."  This is the same presentation I give monthly as part of a DC area TAP Class. This webinar will include different aspects of the military-to-civilian transition process, and is appropriate for all transitioning service members / veterans and is free to them.

Please share the webinar registration info below with those transitioning service members and veterans you're assisting in their job search.

Speaker:  Carl Savino, co-author of "The Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide"

Webex Meeting: Conducting a Resilient Job Search

Date: Friday, April 17, 2020

Time: 10:00-10:45 AM (EDT)

Register here:

Thank you!

Carl Savino
Corporate Gray