1. AGENDA FOR TUESDAY, 11/16/10:
0700-0800: OPEN FORUM. This week the floor is yours for discussion on topics of general interest or personal updates. And as always, we'll do our best to assist with job searches, business advice, referrals, and other networking needs. Thanks to all who arranged such great speakers (or led a talk yourself) this past few months.
2. NEW MEETING LOCATION (same hotel, but new spot):
Beginning this week we'll meet inside the coffee shop of the Marriott - DTC. The new GM of the hotel has kindly arranged to reserve the seating area of the coffee shop for our use every Tuesday morning. There is ample seating and it's a bit off to the side of the main coffee operation, so we think this will be a better situation for us long-term. The spot where we've been meeting (next to the restaurant operation) has become more of an issue in recent months due to the limited seating, the large TV which must remain on, and the occasional disruptions for us and for the hotel. Having our own reserved space inside the coffee shop should work out better for us.
3. ITEM OF INTEREST: HBR Article on Characteristics of Military Leaders That are Desirable in the Civilian Job Market.
Thanks to Ron Meier (USMA '66) for passing along this link: http://blogs.hbr.org/frontline-leadership/2010/10/how-cadets-learn-to-be-clutch.html
4. UPCOMING EVENT: Homeland Security Careers MIL2BIZ Event
This past Tuesday morning, Kimberly Hessler from Homeland Security Careers gave a great talk about the services her company provides. See below for an upcoming event hosted by Homeland Security Careers. Thanks to Dick Eason (USNA '84) for passing along this information from Kimberly.
WHAT: Christmas Party with great Networking and Career Transition Information Exchange
Topic: Successful Career Transition in a Challenging Economy
• Meet: Successfully transitioned HSC alumni - 60 obtained employment since January 2010.
• Panel: Enjoy a panel of recent Homeland Security Careers clients as they share their transition experience.
• Network: Connect with military members and their spouses who are journeying through the career transition process
WHEN: December 7, 2010, 5:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.
WHERE: Penrose Library, Carnegie Room, 20.North Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO. 80903
COST: $10.00
$5.00 Active Duty and HSHD Premier Members
To register please go http://mil2bizdec.eventbrite.com/ . For more information contact Caroline at caroline@hshdcareers.com or call 719-330-4682.
Featured Charity: Citizen Soldier Connection – Bring a Wal-Mart, Target or Restaurant Gift Card to share with Citizen Soldier Connection
Kindly Sponsored By: PPLD, National Graduate School, Troy University, CTU, Edward Jones, Personal Business Advisors
Have a great week.
Joe Paniccia
USMA '84
Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets every Tuesday at 0700 in the Marriott Hotel at the Denver Tech Center. From I-25, exit Belleview east, then north on Syracuse Street. The Marriott lots are paid parking (approx $2-4), but you can park for FREE across the street at Garcia's Restaurant (we have their permission). Look for us in the reserved seating area inside the Marriott's coffee shop. RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). Our schedule, roster and other information are posted on the web site at www.academybiznet.org
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