0700-0800: OPEN FORUM
After announcements and other routine items, we'll go to roundtable introductions and other discussion on items of interest. As always, we'll give particular attention to any networking needs, to see how we can help. During introductions, feel free to go a bit more in depth than usual, as the Open Forum is a great chance to bring everyone up to speed on what's new for you personally or professionally.
2/1/11: TBD/Open Forum. No speaker currently scheduled, but if you have one in mind or would like to lead a discussion yourself, just let me know.
BizNet member Terence Andre (USAFA '87) is with TiER1 Performance Solutions. He writes as follows:
Attention Military Service Members, Retirees, Government Civilians, and Defense Contractors:
TiER1 Performance Solutions, in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory, is looking for military service members, retirees, government civilians, and defense contractors 19 years of age and older to participate in a study on Cyber Security Education and Training. The goal of the study is to examine best practices in education and training approaches for dealing with cyber insider threats.
Those who agree to participate will be given a $40 Visa gift card for taking part in this study. The study will involve computer-based training in how to prevent, detect, and deal with malicious insiders. Total time required in the study is approximately 4 hours. Data collected from the study will be used to guide improvements to the overall interface and the content included in the training. In addition to the actual training content, each participant will take part in pre- and post-test activities, complete an anonymous survey on the quality of the training program, rate their cognitive and physical workload when using the system, and participate in a group discussion so the study investigators can learn more about potential improvements to the training content and the methods. None of the conditions are potentially harmful or threatening. In fact, the behaviors required of participants are ones that they are likely to experience in the course of performing their regular jobs in a military work environment.
There are some potential indirect benefits for those participating in this study. Participants will be exposed to cyber security insider threat training that may be implemented in future cyber training programs. Participants will also learn about prevention and mitigation techniques that can apply in their current work environment.
For those who are interested in participating, please understand that this study may take up to 4 hours. Participation is voluntary. The training will be held at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs on Feb 11 or Feb 12.
If interested, please send an email response to research@tier1performance.com
4. REMINDER - Our Tuesday Meeting Area Inside the Marriott:
We still meet at the Marriott-DTC, but our meeting spot within the hotel changed late last year, to the coffee shop instead of the lounge/restaurant area. This new meeting spot is working out quite well for us so far. Look for us in the seating area in the corner of the hotel's coffee shop. There is ample seating and less disruption. Hope you'll drop by sometime. We realize work and family obligations make it difficult or impossible for some to make it, but if you do have the occasional opportunity to stop by on a Tuesday morning, we'd love to see you.
Have a great week.
Joe Paniccia
USMA '84
Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700 in the Marriott Hotel at the Denver Tech Center. From I-25, exit Belleview east, then north on Syracuse Street. The Marriott lots are paid parking (approx $2-4), but you can park for FREE across the street at Garcia's Restaurant (we have their permission). Look for us in the seating area inside the Marriott's coffee shop. RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). Our schedule, roster and other information are posted on the web site at www.academybiznet.org
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