Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly News and Agenda for Tuesday 1/24/12



During roundtable introductions we invite you tell us what you're up to these days and anything we might be able to help with, including referrals, advice, job search assistance, or any other networking needs. Chances are good that someone in the group can either help directly or refer you to someone in the network who can.


BizNet member Sarah Brown (USNA '91) will lead a discussion about career transitions. Like many of us, Sarah has experienced several transitions, not just from military to corporate roles, but more recently from the corporate world to business owner. This past she year left a corporate role to become a regional franchise owner/developer with Synergy Home Care.


1/24/12 (this week): Sarah Brown (USNA '91) on career transitions.

1/31/12: Chris Werhane is director of military opportunities for Adaptive Adventures, whose mission is "to provide progressive outdoor sports opportunities to improve quality of life for children, adults and veterans with physical disabilities and their families". Mr. Werhane will talk with us about the great programs at Adaptive Adventures.

If there's a speaker you'd like to invite for any future Tuesdays, or if you'd like to lead a discussion yourself, just let me know ( and we'll get it onto the schedule.


Paula Broadwell (USMA '95) has just completed a 3-year effort to write a biography on GEN David Petraeus (USMA '74). The book, titled All In: The Education of General David Petraeus, will be released for sale this week. Paula spent a year embedded at ISAF headquaters in Afghanistan and had unique access to Petraeus and his family in writing this book. It has received impressive acclaim from distinguished reviewers. Paula lived in the Denver area several years ago and used to attend our Tuesday morning BizNet meetings.

For more information, visit the book's website, at Paula will appear on several national news shows this week, and will visit the Denver area for book signing events in March.

4. DENVER AREA USAFA NETWORKING EVENT (open to grunts and squids too):

The Denver Chapter of the USAFA Association of Graduates is hosting a great networking event this Thursday (1/26/12), 1700-1930, at Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum in Aurora. Guests are welcome, including grads of other service academies and other guests.

Special guest for this event is BG Pete Gertsen (USAFA '89). BG Gertsen just finished a tour as Wing Commander at Creech AFB where he was in charge of all UAVs world-wide. He has some interesting perspectives on the future of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Air Force, especially as it relates to the global war on terror.

Drinks and light appetizers will be provided. If interested in attending, please RSVP directly to Mike Fontaine at

Thanks to BizNet member Bob Fretzs (USAFA '71) for passing along this invitation.


Have a great week.

Joe Paniccia (USMA '84)
BizNet Coordinator

Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700, in the Marriott Hotel at the Denver Tech Center. From I-25, exit Belleview east, then turn north onto Syracuse Street. While the Marriott lots are paid parking (approx $2-4), you can park for FREE across the street at Garcia's Restaurant (we have their permission). Look for us in the seating area inside the Marriott's coffee shop. RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). Our schedule, roster and other information are posted on the web site at

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