Here's the Duties in Jeffco:
This board provides quality assurance and recommended policy guidance for Workforce Investment Act programs operated by Jefferson County. The Tri-County Workforce Board is responsible for identifying the region's workforce development needs and for the creation of a comprehensive strategy and policy framework to meet the workforce development needs of employers.Required or suggested qualifications:
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) requires that a majority of the members are from the business community.Members shall reflect the local/regional labor market and shall be owners of business concerns, chief executives or chief operating officers of nongovernmental employers, or other private sector executives who have substantial management or policy responsibility.
Membership shall also include the required WIA partners and representatives from economic development, community-based organizations, labor, vocational rehabilitation and educational agencies.
In areas where a public sector entity is a major employer in the region (e.g., prisons, universities, etc.), the organization(s) may be included in the private business sector majority.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.Members and length of terms:
The number of members on the board may vary so long as the requirements of the Colorado Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 are met.Appointments shall be made for two-year, staggered terms, beginning in July. A member may serve four consecutive terms.
To apply, please use the Tri County Workforce ApplicationQuestions:
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