Monday, August 5, 2013

Veterans Passport To Hope Launches Free Resource Portal For Colorado Veterans

Denver, CO, Monday, August 05, 2013—Veterans now have unprecedented access to services, organizations, and resources throughout Colorado. In addition to raising awareness about the issues veterans are facing upon returning from the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, Veterans Passport To Hope recently unveiled the Colorado Resource Portal For Veterans – – which brings veteran friendly organizations to the fingertips of veterans and their families.

Veterans Passport To Hope believes that it is the responsibility of all Americans to participate in assisting the men and women who have returned home from multiple war zones over the past twelve years and are doing more than their part. Thousands of hours networking with organizations have led to the most comprehensive and detailed list of resources ever assembled; something that has never existed before in Colorado. From activities and community to mental and physical health, the Colorado Resource Portal For Veterans addresses eleven key categories of available resources.

Veterans Passport To Hope has also published a brochure of these resources which has been distributed throughout the Colorado community. The brochure has helped both veterans and veteran service officers identify appropriate organizations for transition and reintegration to the civilian world. Most importantly, the brochures and Resource Portal assist friends and family members who are looking to turn somewhere for help regarding the veteran in their life.

The most common signs of veterans who are struggling:  Read rest of article (click here)

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