We'll begin with roundtable introductions. Simply give your name, academy/class, and where you're currently working (or seeking work). You're welcome to also talk about what's new in your world either personally or professionally. Particular attention will be given to anyone with networking needs such as those seeking job search assistance, referrals, advice, or the opportunity to disseminate business information.
Our speaker this week is Matt Glass, account representative with TekSystems (www.teksystems.com). His talk will focus on opportunities in technology contracting. The target audience encompasses both job seekers and hiring managers seeking contract help with their technology projects. Typical roles filled by TekSystems include IT project and program managers, IT technical development managers, production support managers, and other key roles in technology management.
Academy grads conducting a job search should be particularly interested, since our engineering background and management skills tend to make us a great fit for these roles. Staring out with a company as a contractor can be a great way to get a foot in the door toward eventual hire by that company as a regular employee.
Contracting companies such as TekSystems have seen a recent boom in business during the current economic conditions. That's because many of their client companies are beginning to need more staff but are perhaps not quite ready to make the commitment to regular employee hiring. Bringing on contractors allows them to add staff while retaining flexibiilty until the recovery achieves firmer footing. It also give them (and you) the benefits of a try-before-you-buy type of relationship.
4/5/11: Jason Clark (USMA '92) will speak on a topic he has titled "The DNA of Investing". Jason is a registered investment advisor who runs his own independent advisory firm. He will discuss investment scams and why a lot of very smart people seem to fall for them.
Have a great week.
Joe Paniccia
USMA '84
Service Academy BizNet of Denver meets weekly on Tuesdays at 0700 in the Marriott Hotel at the Denver Tech Center. From I-25, exit Belleview east, then north on Syracuse Street. While the Marriott lots are paid parking (approx $2-4), you can park for FREE across the street at Garcia's Restaurant (we have their permission). Look for us in the seating area inside the Marriott's coffee shop. RSVP is not required. Dress is casual. Attendance is open to graduates of the federal service academies (USAFA, USCGA, USMA, USMMA, USNA). Our schedule, roster and other information are posted on the web site at www.academybiznet.org
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