Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome Home Wounded Marine at DIA

From Member Ron Meier: 

Hello everyone,
Ground combat soldiers interviewed recently said that there are two things they would like the citizens back home to do as a way to feel less detached from the troops serving in combat zones - serve others and sacrifice something. Ever since WWII, American citizens have been detached from their military serving in combat; we've been able to enjoy a normal life while our troops serve their country in harsh, hostile conditions, sacrifice the good life back home for the misery of the battlefield, and sacrifice their lives and limbs for their buddies on the left and right. They grieve alone for the remainder of their lives for their buddies who never came home. We'd like to encourage everyone to sacrifice a few hours this Saturday, March 12, to honor a Golden, Colorado Marine that none of us know who was severely wounded in Afghanistan in December by an Improvised Explosive Device. Let's show him and his family that Colorado families appreciate his service and sacrifice by honoring him with a large turnout.
Lance Corporal Daniel C. W. Riley lost both legs and several fingers on his left hand, among other external and internal injuries. He has been in military hospitals since then, just got fitted for his "Stubbies," and took his first steps last week. He has been granted two weeks of recuperation leave at home, after which he will return to San Diego for about six months of additional rehabilitation and therapy. To follow him on his family's blog see
Daniel's flight (United 0342) is scheduled to arrive at DIA at 2:50 PM Saturday (you can track it on United's website before you leave home to be sure it's on time). Family, friends, the Patriot Guard Riders, and others will welcome him home at the usual spot for greeting visitors on Level 5 at the top of the escalator leading up from the train platform. Bring an American flag and/or a Marine Corps flag, your kids and grandkids, and tissue.
And, please remember to pray for Daniel and his family, who will need much prayerful support for the indefinite future.
See you on Saturday.

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